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Where we have been (or: what happens when our editing computer quits)

sad-macSo we have not released a new episode in almost 2 weeks and for that, we apologize. While we would love to say it was because we were off gallivanting with other beer lovers (ok, there was a little bit of gallivanting), what has actually held our episodes up is the fact that our editing workstation has decided it no longer wants to capture video for us. Apparently she believes that the reward of a nightly backup and regular defragmenting are insufficient for the HD rendering we have her doing for us.

So we are in the process of seeing what other computer in the house will edit video… Of course, if anyone out there wants to help out by sponsoring our show (which has a host of killer benefits!) THAT would be great. Check out our advertiser page for some options.

In the interim, we have picked up a flip video camera and are fooling with a new “down and dirty” style episode for some of our regular escapades. They will probably be a minute or so long and without any real editing – any suggestions for what we could call them to separate them from the more polished productions we do would be appreciated

So until we get something squared away, we hope you’ll keep tabs on twitter and that we will be back up and running soon!

1 thought on “Where we have been (or: what happens when our editing computer quits)”

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